Our D.E.E.P. program (Driving Education to Empower People) centers on helping those with diabetes live healthy lives. With the right educational resources, we believe we can help patients manage diabetes and prevent further complications.

The D.E.E.P. program is unique due to its interactive modules, multi-language capabilities, adaptability, and more to provide guidance and support. Our Module Program has seven modules designed to provide patients with all the facts needed to manage their diabetes. They include:

  • Intro to Diabetes
  • Medication Safety
  • Nutrition Part 1
  • Nutrition Part 2
  • Physical Activity
  • Mental Health
  • Conclusion

We want to make health our top priority. For more information or support, please contact info@novascriptscentral.org

NSC D.E.E.P. Program Flyer 2024


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