Why Swimming is Great for Everyone

With temperatures blazing and pools opening there is no better time to start swimming for exercise! Cooling off in the pool isn’t just an attractive alternative to running in the heat but it’s also a great full body workout that can be done by people of all fitness levels. Here are a few reasons why you should think about picking up your goggles and taking a dip this summer.

Swimming: Low Impact Exercise

Recovering from an injury or want an exercise that’s softer on the body than running? Looking for something to do that gets your whole body moving? Swimming might be a great option! Swimming is a low impact exercise, meaning there is little impact on the joints and the exercise can be performed in a fluid-motion. Low impact exercises are ideal for people who are new to working out and those who are recovering from an injury or illness. The low impact nature of swimming means there is less stress on the body when performing the exercise. This means that you can achieve all your fitness goals without putting too much stress on your body and also avoid major joint, bone, and tendon pain.

Good for All Fitness Levels

Many exercises are difficult to start because they require such a high fitness level to perform for more than a couple of minutes. Swimming is one of few activities where the workout can be adjusted to make it the perfect difficulty for beginners as well as Olympic athletes. Those who are starting out can begin by doing water aerobics or by walking around the shallower end of a pool. Those who want to push themselves a little more can mix in swimming without touching the ground and walking. Someone at this fitness level may swim in the deep end and then walk in the shallow end of the pool while they are doing laps. More advanced athletes can swim continuous laps and take breaks at either end of the pool as necessary. The most advanced athletes can swim longer distances as part of extended workouts. No matter where you start, swimming can give you a great workout as well as provide an activity which you can improve and set goals within!

Good for Your Heart

According to the CDC you can expect to burn about 500 calories in an hour of leisurely swimming. In contrast, walking will only burn about 300 in the same amount of time. This is because swimming requires you to use your entire body to move against the resistance of the water. Swimming is a great way to get your heart rate up and as a result improve your cardiovascular health. Those who are trying to lose weight and get in better shape to improve their overall health should consider swimming as an option.

Little Equipment, No Partner Necessary

No need to worry about fancy shoes or clothes, pads, or expensive equipment. Just pull out your swimsuit and goggles and you’re ready to go! Lots of sports require a partner. It can be hard to find someone to play with you, but luckily you don’t need a partner to swim

It’s Fun!

There’s nothing better than going outside on a hot day and jumping in the pool. The pool is also a great meeting spot to see members of your community to catch up and have a laugh. Don’t forget to take a break during your swim to enjoy yourself and the summer weather!

CDC Calorie Burn Information:

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