
Social Justice

Social injustice has been a persistent issue in the United States since its founding. This section provides resources to understand and combat social injustices, with a focus on what individuals and organizations can do to make a difference.

Key Resources

Key Resources

National Health Care for the Homeless Council

This site includes resources for organizations looking to improve their practices on racial equity, case studies of community-based approaches to racial justice, articles for understanding how racism functions as social exclusion, and more.

Critical Resistance

Resources on community-based approaches to addressing harm and violence, as well as for healthcare and social service providers looking to decrease reliance on police in their work in marginalized communities.

Racial Equity Tools

Pages on health and healthcare, housing, food justice, and more, as well as tools to take action and to evaluate racial equity work.

Featured Programs and Initiatives

Unlearning Systemic Racism — YMCA

A virtual town hall dovetailing with the Y's own anti-racism journey, featuring speakers including Senator Kamala Harris, NBA Coach Steve Kerr, and YMCA President & CEO Kevin Washington.

Prioritizing Equity — AMA

A weekly series of panel discussions hosted by AMA Chief Health Equity Officer Aletha Maybank, MD, MPH, illuminating how COVID-19 and other health threats uniquely impact vulnerable communities, with an eye to short- and long-term implications.

Racism: The Ultimate Underlying Condition — APHA

An ongoing webinar series on advancing racial equity, covering topics including policing and police violence, maternal health, housing, and strategies and actions.

Featured Programs
Research and Reports

Research and Reports

COVID-19 and Health Equity

A recorded webinar with Human Impact Partners, co-sponsored by HealthBegins, on how public health can play a role in advancing long-term policy solutions that center equity. HIP has also created a written Policy Platform for COVID-19 Response and Recovery.

Declarations of racism as a public health crisis — Multiple jurisdictions

Local and state leaders across the country are declaring racism a public health crisis or emergency. These declarations are an important first step in the movement to advance racial equity and justice and must be followed by allocation of resources and strategic action. The APHA catalogues these actions here.

2020 ALICE Report

A framework, language, data and tools that our members can use to better understand and reach out to new patients in their community.

The Costs of "Cash Register Justice" in Virginia: Racial Disparities & Poverty Traps

In a quest for revenue, the criminal justice system in the United States has come to rely on court-imposed fines and fees — even for the most minor offenses — giving rise to a form of "cash register justice" that places the most severe financial burdens on those who can least afford it.